Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @GovernmentMuesliDemocrat from Michigan commented…2wks2W

Just hire American companies to do the work. It is that simple. Just do it.

 @PublicPolicyDotterelRepublicanfrom Michigan disagreed…2wks2W

For all practical purposes, the US no longer has the capability to service even a small portion of the underseas cables. Fixing this issue will take over a decade and agreement between Democratic and Republican administrations. While this is happing, China will invest billions of dollars in lobbying and 'advertising' to prevent this. This is no different that the billions of dollars they invest telling us that nuclear power and carbon based fuels are evil and the only solution to our energy need is Chinese produced solar and wind energy. Meanwhile at home they are investing heavily in new nuclear and coal power systems.

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Last activeActivity2 discussionsInfluence1 engagementsEngagement bias100%Audience bias75%Active inPartyRepublicanLocationGaines, MI