Try the political quiz

11 Replies

 @TunaAuroraLibertarian from Texas commented…1mo1MO

Congress is now openly saying that American troops may need to fight in Ukraine. No matter how many times they repeat this idea, we cannot let it become normalized. It would be World War 3.

 @JudicialVicunaGreenfrom Virginia agreed…1mo1MO

They never explain why we would need troops in Ukraine if Russia wins the conflict. Russia occupied Ukraine for quite a while last century and we didn't send troops there. Not sure why we would now.

 @GallantHareLibertarian from Tennessee commented…1mo1MO

Imagine US soldiers dying in Ukraine so central bankers can make new profits financing this money laundering war. US Military recruitment had college money to entice joining but loans get paid off by Biden so what’s the incentive to join?

 @GranolaAmeliaDemocratfrom Illinois commented…1mo1MO

Agree or not with their opinion but its been pretty clear why they say that because they think Putin after Ukraine will target a NATO country. If he attacks a nato country then USA have to commit troops. But if Ukraine can hold till putin is gone then they need not to.


How would you feel about enlisting in a military unit where 'choosing your own adventure' is a key recruiting promise during a time of war?

 @9M7HZ3W  from Minnesota answered…1mo1MO

I would feel engaged into joining the military if I get to choose if I want to be on the line of duty or become a marine.

 @QuickPretzelsAmerican Solidarityfrom Maryland commented…1mo1MO

Wait, for over two years we’ve been told (corrupt) Ukraine was winning and that it was our patriotic duty to fund their slaughter because “if Ukraine doesn’t stop Russia they would conquer Europe”.

Has the narrative changed?


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