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10 Replies


What are your thoughts on the impact of state-level campaigns, like Ryan Bizzarro's for Treasurer, on broader national issues such as education funding?

 @9LR99MX from South Carolina answered…1mo1MO

State-level campaigns, such as Ryan Bizzarro's run for Treasurer in Pennsylvania, can have a significant impact on broader national issues like education funding


Does the heightened focus on election security in Pennsylvania make you more or less confident in the integrity of elections across the country?

 @9LR28WK from Louisiana answered…1mo1MO

Not more or less confident, since I know the government will try their hardest to cheat in a President they like, and the brainwashed people will believe it most times.


How do you feel about using Pennsylvania's primaries as an indicator for the entire nation's political leanings?

 @9LR28WK from Louisiana answered…1mo1MO

Might as well do it, probably won't help with cheating, but might as well try it.


It’s Pa. primary election day with statewide nominations up for grabs…

“The Department of State and your county election office have been working and preparing for this primary election for many months, and we are ready,” said Secretary of the Commonwealth Al Schmidt Monday in a video update. Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Voters in line by 8 p.m. must be allowed to vote.


2024 State Treasurer Primary Candidate: Ryan Bizzarro (D)…

Ryan Bizzarro (D) hails from Erie and has served as the State Representative for District 3 since 2013. He currently chairs the Majority Policy Committee. If elected to State Treasurer, his priorities are to expand and raise awareness about current programs- like the 529 college funds and returning unclaimed property.


Carl Cannon: Pennsylvania Will Be the Rubber Match of the 2024 Election…

RCP Washington bureau chief Carl Cannon and senior elections analyst Sean Trende discuss President Biden's effort to

 @DunbirdSamProgressivefrom Maine commented…1mo1MO

The efforts to ensure election integrity in Pennsylvania, especially with the Election Task Force, are crucial for protecting our democracy and making sure every vote counts in this pivotal state.


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