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29 Replies

 @CommittedMooseVeteran from California commented…2mos2MO

The dam broke. The right is allowed to talk about Israel, even critically, and you can’t cancel them. Folks who are pro-Israel need to update their software. It’s not 2003. National Review, which led a purge, isn’t even relevant today. Gotta use facts and logic. Adapt.

 @ReferendumVultureRepublican from Texas commented…2mos2MO

Being "allowed" to talk about something shouldn't encourage you to fall for obvious grifts and con jobs.

 @CommittedMooseVeteran from California disagreed…2mos2MO

Goes both ways, doesn’t it?

 @ReferendumVultureRepublican from Texas disagreed…2mos2MO

Sure, yes. Be smart, ask questions, don't take ideologues seriously. Without naming names, the "we must invade the Middle East because of Israel's war" crowd were ridiculous.

But the loud anti-Israel voices on the right emergent in the past three months are largely grifters.

 @CommittedMooseVeteran from California disagreed…2mos2MO

Yinon Plan wanted Middle East destabilized as that would be in Israel’s interest. “Wars for Israel” is a glib summary of these ideas, but it’s directionally true that GWOT would have been in line with Yinon’s strategic goals.

 @FranchiseCockatooMountain from New York agreed…2mos2MO

I will say, I’ve always had an uneasy feeling about our relationship with Israel. Ally? Yes. In a part of the world that hates us? Yes. But at what cost, and to what benefit?

At the end of the day, they’re still fighting a holy war from thousands of years ago that we really don’t need involved in.

 @GallantT3rritorialPatriot from California agreed…2mos2MO

The days of the "Unpatriotic Conservatives" smear that ousted good guys like Raymondo are gone.

Unfortunately, the DeSantis right is showing itself to be aligned with this antiquated thinking.

 @BudgetBillApricotsLibertarianfrom New York commented…2mos2MO

Is there a major evangelical voice who is critical of Israel’s foreign or domestic policy?

What prominent evangelicals have a worldview that allows for objective analysis of the good and bad?

 @FreedomSteveRepublicanfrom Illinois disagreed…2mos2MO

Israel is the best place in the Middle East for Christians and is incredibly welcoming to evangelicals.

There’s very little to criticize them for.

 @ElectionHeronLibertarianfrom Mississippi commented…2mos2MO

I love Judaism and enjoy talking these subjects with friends. I find it weird to consider anyone “chosen” or to say people “rejected the messiah.” As if my own soul isn’t in peril!

On foreign policy should be based on something more than fighting over Biblical interpretations.

 @UniqueCaviarForwardfrom Maine agreed…2mos2MO

I’ve always found people walking around telling everyone that god chose them over all his other children to be among the most supremacist in our society.

My comments are full of them telling me how superior to me they are

Genuinely believe they get off on it

 @CapitolGaryPeace and Freedom from Washington D.C. commented…2mos2MO

Many Zionists are deeply deeply concerned about the potential for a rapprochement or increased alignment between western Christians and Muslims, which seems to be a growing trend.

They can’t portray most Muslims as crazy-eyed ‘haters of our freedom’ like they did 20 years ago given social media.

They are making some fairly reasonable arguments regarding the treatment of the Palestinians, after all. It’s the IDF that is asking us to ignore what our faith teaches.

 @SincereYakGreen from Maryland commented…2mos2MO

Palestinian-Christians are the most cognitive dissonance-inducing demographic for the "pro-Israel" GOP consensus. Many GOP voters literally do not even know that they exist. That's why the pro-war cheerleaders are reacting so angrily to Tucker simply interviewing one of them.

Last November, I went to a Palestinian-Christian village in the West Bank with a statue of Jesus in the main thoroughfare. Why is the plight of these people never featured on FOX News or conservative talk radio?

 @SheepHaileySocialistfrom Nebraska disagreed…2mos2MO

They're the wrong christians. They're basically seen as "christian muslims"

 @Ind3p3ndentWeaverNo Labelsfrom Illinois commented…2mos2MO

the truth is many american protestants dont see the palestinian/middle east christians as fellow christians. they view them in the lens of anti-roman catholic theology.

 @DopeyC0nstitutionVeteran from Wisconsin agreed…2mos2MO

This is what I've been saying as well. They had the exact same attitude during the Iraq War and all throughout the Iraqi occupation.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…2mos2MO

'It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.' – Aristotle

Apparently these people don't know that. They may not agree with Tucker Carlson on this one, but there's no need to smear him for daring to disagree with you on a single thing, nor is there any need for anyone to take offence at this. I watch Tucker Carlson, I agree with most of what he says and not all of it, Matt Walsh, agree with most but not all, Ron Paul, agree with the vast majority but not all. All the guys I listen to have some opinions that are different than mine, but instead of getting offended I actually consider what they have to say!

 @CoyoteSadieDemocrat from Michigan commented…2mos2MO

The people who used to be a majority in Bethlehem until the Palestinian Authority took over? Yeah there used to be a lot more of them. From 86% Christian 70 years ago to near extinct today. What a coincidence.

 @W3lfareBuckLibertarian from Virginia commented…2mos2MO

I don't see the pro-Israel crowd having much to worry about once they realize that most of what comes from the right is more mere observation than criticism, and certainly not anti-Semitism. They will eventually unbunch their panties.

 @C0ngressAlRepublican from Arizona commented…2mos2MO

Are the Christian’s raping Jewish grandmas and then hiding behind Palestinian children?

 @F4irTradeOliviaPatriot from Alabama commented…2mos2MO

Smooth brain evangelical zealots are being shown in real time what the Zionist lobby truly is. The question is will they continue lying to themselves, or judge people on their behavior and not “gods chosen people” nonsense.

 @ReferendumRobinWomen’s Equalityfrom Maine commented…2mos2MO

This is true. Arafat was a Christian. In the early days Palestinian Christians were big contributors to resisting Israel (the guy who killed RFK was Christian). However in years since the Christians calmed down and the Muslims took the mantle of Israeli resistance.

If the Palestinians in the West Bank today were only Christians, I genuinely believe they could just take down the checkpoints and make them full Israeli citizens without issue. The Christians have deradicalized, while the Muslims have not

 @MandateBustardWomen’s Equality from Nevada commented…2mos2MO

What? I've been told the Muslims don't tolerate the Christians? How is that still standing?


Reflecting on the criticism faced by Tucker Carlson for giving a platform to a Palestinian Christian pastor, do you think public figures should avoid or pursue discussions that might contradict the expectations or beliefs of their usual audience?


How important do you believe it is for influential figures to provide a platform to voices from within conflict areas, especially when those voices challenge popular narratives?


Considering the reactions to Tucker Carlson's interview, why do you think discussions about the treatment of certain religious or ethnic groups in conflict zones are so polarizing?


What are your thoughts on whether a journalist or media personality should highlight the struggles of less recognized or minority groups within larger conflicts?


How do you feel about mainstream media's coverage of conflicts affecting religious communities, particularly when it might influence public sentiment?


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