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35 Replies


Should universities have the power to expel students for speech that is deemed antisemitic, or are there better ways to handle such incidents?

 @9L75B7SRepublican from Colorado commented…3mos3MO

the initiation of physical force and violence should be punished. Speech, informed by pattern recognition, should never be punished.

 @9L73PSTDemocrat from Texas commented…3mos3MO

Universities should have the power to expel students for speech that is deemed antisemitic.


 @9L795VB from Iowa commented…3mos3MO

Every instance should be met with a unique appproach following broad but solid guidelines because every human is different.


Do you believe that a government should define what constitutes hate speech, such as antisemitism, within university policies?

 @9KY6LGG from Washington answered…2mos2MO

No. Government has one job – protecting life, liberty, and property.

 @9L7766QWomen’s Equality  from Virginia commented…3mos3MO

Nothing is black and white when it comes to speech but having some sort of policies to help define hate speech can offer protection to those in need

 @9L76D64 from Illinois commented…3mos3MO

I don’t believe hate speech exists. The government should have no right to dictate what a person can say.

 @9L75N9J from West Virginia commented…3mos3MO

I believe that Jewish people are marginalized in the country and we should try and protect them.


Is it fair to discipline student groups based on their political slogans or should universities protect all forms of student expression?

 @9L77ZL2 from Colorado commented…3mos3MO

Universities should protect all forms of student expression. I think universities should give students the opportunity to safely and within reason use their right to free speech.

 @9L77BK5 from Massachusetts commented…3mos3MO

Being Pro-Palestine or Anti-israel is not antisemitic, and it is in fact antisemitic to suggest so, Zionism is a morally bankrupt ideology

 @9L73X4XLibertarian from Texas commented…3mos3MO

 @9L739XMDemocrat from Texas commented…3mos3MO

The universities should protect them because its what the students believes in

 @MajesticPublicPol1cyLibertarian from Minnesota commented…3mos3MO

What in the actual **** is this?

Rhetoric - no matter how vile - is PROTECTED BY THE FIRST AMENDMENT, Governor.

“Free speech” isn’t subject to review by the govt. And the govt shouldn’t be leaning on unis to do so.

You need to retract & revise this Order immediately.

 @L1ber4lLunaRepublican from Kansas agreed…3mos3MO

Yes, that sounds exactly like what the lefties do. He should change that order to only reflect "acts" that are unlawful such as physical assaults or battery. It's not illegal to be an anti-Semite as far as I am aware.

 @MajesticPublicPol1cyLibertarian from Minnesota agreed…3mos3MO

Correct. It’s not. It makes you an *** but not a criminal.

 @L1ber4lLunaRepublican from Kansas agreed…3mos3MO

If being an *** were illegal everyone would have a record.

Think of the classifications, Misdemeanor Assholery I, II, and III

Felony Assholerys of every stripe...

 @9KY6LGG from Washington commented…2mos2MO

The First Amendment applies only to the Federal Government. Texas does however have a Free Speech Clause that he is violating. Remember, fellow libertarian-leaning user, that State's Rights & Decentralisation are the best way to stop Federal Abuses & protect Liberty.

 @FranchiseRalphLibertarian from Washington D.C. commented…3mos3MO

It’s not just him.

It is literally illegal to criticize Israel in 38 US states. With several more making it illegal to engage in antisemitism of any kind. They use a definition from the Holocaust museum which includes antizionist language.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…3mos3MO

Oh this is BULL, that phrase is NOT antisemitism, it has a thousand meanings and several origins. That’s not advocation for genocide, that’s getting Israel to back off, creating a two-state solution, or even expanding parts of Gaza or the West Bank in the area of autonomy. That’s not antisemitism, “screw the Jews” would be, but this policy is wide, vague, and a horrible plan.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…2mos2MO

Sorry, my brother left his account open and I accidentally typed my response as him, which is bellow.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…2mos2MO

Ah, at least we got it right there, though for different reasons. I’m for censorship depending upon circumstance, and it has to explicitly be genocidal to be censored as hate speech if you ask me.

 @9KY6LGG from Washington commented…2mos2MO

It's BS not because what they're saying isn't Anti-Semetic, but because gov't shouldn't censor free speech. Found something else we might agree on – don't censor people.

 @9KY6LGG from Washington commented…2mos2MO

There's a bipartisan consensus around tyranny. Both sides are Statists who want to control you and your life. Dems will censor you for acknowledging biological reality and standing against victim mentality, or for questioning the vaccine or daring to ask about the Great Replacement and Wuhan. "Republicans" will censor you for using TikTok and for saying Anti-Semetic things. There's one thing both camps want – to take away your liberty. I am voting for Trump, because he is the only option to Save America from Biden, but I wish I could vote Libertarian or Constitution, the parties who genuinely want to shrink political power.

 @HouseOfRepsHawkWorking Family from Arizona commented…3mos3MO

So only Jews are protected ?

What can Muslims and Christians do to defend themselves on the campuses from the anti-christians and anti-muslims ?

Are Jews now superior , codified in law ?


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