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Which political ideology do you most identify with?

Cannabis Legalisation


How might your personal experiences or those you've observed influence your stance on legalizing cannabis?

 @9JT89NL from Oklahoma answered…4mos4MO

I believe in terms of "drugs", cannabis is one of the least harmful drugs currently existing. Besides its medicinal uses, being a natural pain suppressant among other things, use of this drug is not associated with violence, crime, etc. and these factors only come into play when it is being distributed through the black market. Overall, I believe cannabis should be legalized recreationally.

 @9JT8ZZP from California commented…4mos4MO

I agree with this. I've done some cannabis research before and I've seen it's helped people with disease and autism. some helped with kids who weren't able to stop moving and they used medicinal cannabis and it helped them so much.