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32 Replies

 @9HN8MSW from Nebraska agreed…6mos6MO

yes, I believe a life is a life and that they should have the chance to live it but I have restrictions. I think that if the mother was raped, in danger, incest, or the baby will not make it I believe they should have full right to get an abortion. it is the people that want to mess around and then get pregnant over and over killing innocent lives just because they don't want a kid. mistakes happen but at the same time it is common knowledge on what happens when there is intercourse without protection and if you just want to mess around be prepared to find out and I think they should deal with the consequences.

 @9HN3LF3 from Pennsylvania agreed…6mos6MO

I agree with this comment becuase of how we have gotten rid of the concept of consequences when it came towards pregnancy and I believe that a life is a life, but when it comes for problems during the pregnancy that could kill the mother or rape and other problems i do believe then that it would be acceptable.

 @9HPHHQB from Tennessee agreed…6mos6MO

Agree. Engaging in heterosexual sex naturally carries the chance of pregnancy, so it requires personal responsibility to either use contraception or abstain. Rapes account for less than 1% of abortions; the majority are consenting couples. Therefore personal responsibility and responsibility to the child are required.

 @9HPFQFRLibertarian from Maine agreed…6mos6MO

Even if the child is not technically alive yet, it would eventually become a living human. To prevent that is murder.

 @9HNCMDCRepublican  from Ohio agreed…6mos6MO

I agree with this statement. A baby in the womb is a human life, and it should not be ended. There are many other options to choose from, so killing the baby should not even be an option.

 @9HN8T9LWomen’s Equality from Texas agreed…6mos6MO

If you do not have the mentality, money, lifestyle, for a child there should be a choice to get an abortion because it is our bodies.

 @9HN73DS  from Utah agreed…6mos6MO

Ya I don't like abortion. With cases of rape or incest it becomes more tricky, but as a christian I believe that life is, and always will be of great worth.

 @9HQ9466 from Arizona disagreed…5mos5MO

i suppport abortions cause no one wakes up and is like "what a beautiful morning, time to get an abortion!!," it's more for circumstances like rape and poverty and stuff. Also why do we care more about fetuses than actually alive orphans and children who get killed by guns due to people thinking we need guns for no reason.

 @9HQ3XHP from New York disagreed…5mos5MO

if a women or child gets raped and doesn’t want to have her rapists child, she should be able to safely do what she wants in a doctors office, she should be safely able to.

 @9HPJC49 from Utah disagreed…6mos6MO

What about the mothers life if having a baby is harmful to the health and well being of the mother how do we decide who is more important the unborn child or the already living mother

 @9HPJB5NIndependent from Colorado disagreed…6mos6MO

In my opinion, if we are going to say that "A life is a life, no matter how small." then a pregnant woman should be able to claim their unborn child on their taxes. If theyre a life then if you attach a pregnant woman you should also be charged with child abuse. Also, a baby doesn't respond to its environment until the 2nd trimester and abortions are illegal at that point anyways. Theirs also the fact that the foster system is overrun and not very safe for these kids that will be born and put up for adoption. No woman looks at abortions as a form of birth control because that process is long and can be very hard on her body and mind.

 @9HPHP56 from Oregon disagreed…6mos6MO

having a child that your are not ready to have can harm and even kill the mother, as well as giving the child a bad and unhealthy life because you may not be mature enough or financially stable. its a personal choice not any one elses business

 @9HPHNYT from Oregon disagreed…6mos6MO

It is up to the mother to decide if she wants to have children. Free will is a basic human right. If someone does not want a child or is not ready to take care of it then they should not be required to. If the parent wasn't prepared to have a child then that may be worse for the child in the long run if their parent were to go through with the birth.

 @9HPFMWJIndependent from Washington D.C. disagreed…6mos6MO

A life may be a life, but a life must have the right mindset and space of mind to take care of another life. You should be able to choose if you want to take the next step in life and have a stable understanding of the world before ever thinking about bringing another life into the world. They are not considered a baby until it is slowly developing, so it should be fine to get rid of them before they're a thought. This is also a help for possible sexual assault/rape victims so they don't live knowing that they created a life that was born without consent. This is not just 'killing off a future generation', this is a safety precaution.

 @9HP5HDYWomen’s Equality  from Michigan disagreed…6mos6MO

what f you were raped and never wanted or made the decision to do things that could result in pregnancies

 @9HP54YC from Nevada disagreed…6mos6MO

A fetus is not fully developed within the first trimester and does not show the 7 signs of a life. Abortion is not killing babies and for several women having a baby will kill them and they should have the right to save their own life.

 @9HNXN6P from North Carolina disagreed…6mos6MO

Abortion isnt something anyone praises or roots for. Abortion is when during the early stages of a womanś pregnancy, the cells of a possible but not devolped egg is stopped from developing. It is not even living yet, or even more than just reproductive cells. My body, my choice. Lets say i was a innocent 11 year old child, I am not grown enough to develop a baby. Now lets say I am forcefully pregnated without my consent or choice. I am now in danger of dying if I have this baby and the baby is in risk of dying from being under devoloped because of how young my body is. If abortion was banned…  Read more

 @9HNLZWLDemocrat  from Utah disagreed…6mos6MO

Every pregnancy has a different origin, and a woman should always have a right to choose. It is HER body.

 @9HNKNPV from New York disagreed…6mos6MO

They are not developed yet they are not necessarily people yet and especially if it's rape or life threatening to the mother they shouldn't have to go through that.

 @9HNC886  from Utah disagreed…6mos6MO

Even if you consider it a life while it is a fetus. It would still be better to abort than keep it in certain situations. Not everyone becomes pregnant by choice, in cases involving rape especially you should have the choice to abort. Not everyone who gets pregnant will be able to support the baby and give it the proper environment.

 @9HN8MKPSocialist disagreed…6mos6MO

America was founded on the ideals of liberty for all, and banning abortion to protect against some minority participating in "hookup culture" serves to collectively punish the entire country, including those who might seek an abortion for medical reasons or due to being financially unready to raise a child. Regardless of the morality of abortion, it is not the government's place to legislate what we can and cannot do under the guise of protecting against the harmful behaviors of others.

 @9HN5RKL from Wisconsin disagreed…6mos6MO

Women should have the right to keep their baby or not. Women have rights too. If they want to keep their baby, let them. but if they don't want to keep their child, that's fine. It's their choice. Their child. THEIR BODY.

 @9HN5G6K from Wisconsin disagreed…6mos6MO

Women should be able to choose whether they want the baby or not. Why force them to have a baby is they don't want, to their body there choice, no to pro-life yes to pro-choice

 @9HN52MHWomen’s Equality from Pennsylvania disagreed…6mos6MO

People don’t only get pregnant from ‘hookups’ they can be raped or assaulted resulting in pregnancy, or there could be issues with their choice of contraceptives. Some people also are not fit for pregnancy or parenthood, whether that’s physically mentally or financially. Even then, it’s no one’s business except the person getting the abortion.

 @9HN4GG3 from South Dakota disagreed…6mos6MO

Abortion is a choice that would affect the mother and child’s future life. If one is not able to provide and support the child, abortion should be a choice given to them. A women could have been sexually assaulted which resulted in unwanted pregnancies such cases , a choice of abortion should be given to them as it was against their will. The development of an embryo is equivalent to a bunch of cells multiplying. A human child has yet to be formed nor does it has emotional capacity to label abortion as murder.

 @9HN3MZCLibertarian  from Rhode Island disagreed…6mos6MO

For the first eight weeks, it is not a baby with life. It is simply just a clump of cells, not a person.

 @9HN3KTXWomen’s Equality from California disagreed…6mos6MO

what if the parents are financially unavailable to provide for the child? What if the mother is dying or the child is dead inside her and an abortion is needed? What if the child was caused by rape? Abortion doesn't revolve around hookup culture, abortion is general healthcare for women.

 @9HN3JTD  from Pennsylvania disagreed…6mos6MO

If a child in the womb is negatively affecting the mother, it is a parasite. Memories don’t start developing until the age of 3. Tell me this; would you adopt that child once it’s born? Or are you just supporting the birth? There is no pro life. This is pro birth. If it was pro life then you would care about the mother too. You have no right to decide what a woman can or can’t do with her body. If you don’t want an abortion, DON’T GET AN ABORTION.

 @9HN3CB8 from North Carolina disagreed…6mos6MO

I feel that if a woman is not prepard to have a child then should not be forced to have one. A baby's life would be horrible if it was born into a womans life that is not prepared to have a kid. Some woman do not have the money, housing, or stable home for a kid.

 @9HN3BD6Democrat from North Carolina disagreed…6mos6MO

Yes a life is a life but so is the women's life. Having children can take a toll on a women's body and it should be her choice whether she wants to terminate that or not especially if it is detrimental to her health. I do believe this decision should be made in the early weeks of pregnancy and I would love to ban late term abortions. If we ban all abortions then there will only be unsafe abortions and that will be worse for this cause. Therefore I believe if you want to get an abortion you should be able to get one, and if you don't just don't; it should be open to everyone though for safety reasons.

 @9HN4DHZRepublican from West Virginia agreed…6mos6MO

Yes I totally agree with this statement. Hookup culture has caused many, specifically young people, to view children not as a blessing, but as an unfortunate consequence of a fun night out. Allowing people to kill their unborn children is against what Americans originally stood for; life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Abortion’s popularity particularly among youth reflects their depreciating capacity for self responsibility. They want to feel like they are enlightened by supporting a liberal cause that they think is ahead of its time, which is a majority of what they are taught…  Read more

 @9HN36S6 agreed…6mos6MO

Yes, I absolutely agree with this comment about abortion. I believe that we should support the mother's as well, but abortion is wrong, and it is murder.


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