Try the political quiz

6 Replies


Do you think there's ever a justification for a government to suppress anti-war sentiment?

 @9H54TVR from New York answered…6mos6MO

Absolutely not. Freedom of speech and expression must be protected at all times.

 @9H2MTRR from Washington answered…7mos7MO

Anit-war is a common thing to be talked about, so suppressing it is somewhat wrong, but if the sentiment is over-exaggerated and is causing mayhem and riots, the government has right to do so.

 @9H2MPF3 from Arkansas answered…7mos7MO

No, I believe the people who have fought in the war shouldn't be degraded like that.


What would you do if expressing your opinion on a controversial issue could land you in jail?

 @9H2MPSW from Arkansas answered…7mos7MO

If it was on a religious stance then I would absolutely express my opinion, but it isn't likely for any other stance.

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