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16 Replies

 @9H2KZLK from Kansas answered…7mos7MO

Nuclear missiles may be one of the best ways to deter away from that nation. It is something that we must live with. If we stockpile nukes then numerous other countries will try to do the same thing. there needs to be a limit on how many we have because it would just turn into an arms race and get severely out of hand.

 @9H2K3QP from Michigan answered…7mos7MO

It's important to approach discussions about the use of nuclear weapons and geopolitical threats with a nuanced perspective. The use of nuclear weapons as a deterrent in international conflicts is a complex and highly debated topic. While some argue that possessing nuclear capabilities can contribute to deterrence and prevent conflicts, others express concerns about the potential catastrophic consequences of nuclear warfare.

Addressing the assertion that Russia is not a long-term threat and is a distraction from the true problem in China involves considering the evolving dynamics of globa…  Read more

 @9H2JS64 from Missouri answered…7mos7MO

I don't think it is humane because considering the two bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (which were in response to them bombing a MILITARY CITE NOT 2 RESIDENTIAL CITIES) wiped out over a million Japanese citizens. They are not humane and are too deadly. The human cost is too high.

 @9H2JLNY from Arizona answered…7mos7MO

 @9H2JS3H from Utah answered…7mos7MO

I do not like the idea of using nuclear weapons at all. They cause so much damage and devastation for practically no reason.

 @9H2JLHXWomen’s Equality from Pennsylvania answered…7mos7MO

I think that the use of nuclear weapons is wrong because it can cause har to the land and to the people who live there and use the soil there and the radiation from nuclear weapons can spread and effect more things.

 @9H2JBPN from Ohio answered…7mos7MO

 @9H2JQH8 from New York answered…7mos7MO

Nuclear weapons are a clear existential threat to humanity. We need trustworthy governments to stockpile nukes to order to deter untrustwory governments. A Russian government that could fall to a coup brough on by militiamen is untrustworthy to handle a nuclear arsenal.

 @9H2K73N from Idaho answered…7mos7MO

I don't really think it changes anything i think it boils down to how many we use.

 @9H2KFTKLibertarian from Georgia answered…7mos7MO

Do it because Russia is a greater threat than the USA I personally believe the world should go to war against Russia no matter the consequences

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas answered…7mos7MO

To be honest, I don't think the "nuclear deterrent" is a legitimate deterrent. I know that we are all told that "no one will ever use nukes because if one person uses it then everyone would use theirs and it'd be WW3 blah blah blah", but I genuinely don't think that'd be the case. Unless a nuclear nation attacks another nuclear nation, I'm pretty sure everyone else would just end up letting it happen to avoid getting involved. I don't doubt there would be political uproar, both from populations and governments around the world, but I really don't see an outcome where anyone else would actually choose to be the one to intentionally insert themselves into a nuclear war for the sake of another nation. Like if Russia were to nuke Ukraine, or China nuke Taiwan, or Israel nuke Palestine, or the US nuke any South American nation, etc....I really think the rest of the world would just condemn their actions and then eventually move on like they always do. All it would end up doing is setting up a new precedent of normalizing nuclear attacks by imperialist nations, so long as another nuclear nation isn't involved. Which is arguably scarier than the current belief.

 @9H2PPHT from Utah answered…7mos7MO

It is horrible that it even exists but for now it is so scary that no country wants to use them

 @9H2JNSC from California answered…7mos7MO

 @9H2JQWR from Arizona answered…7mos7MO

These countries keep using nuclear threats because people are scared when they say they have one equipped. So just stop being scared babies.

 @9H2RLZZ from Pennsylvania answered…7mos7MO

I think that nuclear weapons being used in international conflicts is a terrible thing but there is nothing one could do about it. They are often used as a threat and sort of a showdown but they are not something that anybody living in a country likes to be threatened by.

 @9H2Z5GF from California answered…7mos7MO

I think nuclear weapons are unnecessary. They only cause destruction and loss of lives, there is no need for them.


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