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3 Replies

 @9GZG7HP from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

Only people who don’t have mental illness and disability and people who will use guns for bad things can’t have guns

 @9GZG8NB from Pennsylvania agreed…7mos7MO

All people, regardless of if they can or can not pass a mental health screening at the time of purchasing a gun, have the ability to carry out atrocities. Guns should be banned entirely.

 @9GZFM9XSocialist from New York agreed…7mos7MO

I agree as firearm's are easy to be given into the wrong hands and high regulation of guns and removals of many types are safer for everyone.

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Last activeActivity6 discussionsInfluence1 engagementsEngagement bias41%Audience bias6%Active inPartyPeace and FreedomLocationUnknown