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3 Replies

 @9GQSQTK from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

Of course, Vaccination should be never be required to people who have conclusive and confirmed harmful side effects to ingredients of the Vaccine. If a person is fully capable of being vaccinated without having harmful health effects AND it is a case of national emergency, then the Vaccine should be STRONGLY encouraged.

 @9GQSKS3Independent from Idaho disagreed…7mos7MO

if they are unable to take it, take a different form of it, there are many thousands of options that exist and at least one will work with more people, for the few which cannot take it, we must protect them and give them all the support and protections through collective immunity.

 @9GQT5PG from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

I should be mandatory as yes although some people might have a reaction that chae is very low, many people who dont vaccinate rely on others who vaccinate to keep themselves safe. If we all vaccinate it helps prevent and lessen the affects of said disease.

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