Try the political quiz

18 Replies

 @9GLFNC6 from Georgia agreed…7mos7MO

You shouldn't change you body until you are of age because the body has not fully developed so you should wait until then if you still have the same beliefs then go ahead by all means

 @9GKYYW2 from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

Only transgender people have gender dysphoria. All modern science concurs that the mental disorder is only able to be treated by transitioning.


All modern science concurs that the mental disorder is only able to be treated by transitioning.

Actually, modern science does not support this. While yes, some places have found findings that all transgender people have gender dysphoria (I wonder why this correlation exists, /sarcasm) this is not an effective cure. Many people have expressed continued problems after their transitions. While some are happy and make it past, some are not. I agree that it is a mental disorder. However, many people who tried a therapeutic route also expressed positive results. It is not factual to state that all modern science concurs, it actually does not, nor that the only treatment is transitioning. In…  Read more

 @9GN97F4  from Massachusetts disagreed…7mos7MO

That statement is worded incorrectly, or rather purposefully, in order to force a homophobic viewpoint. Your tone is negative and sarcastic in hopes of swaying the contestant to your personal bias against members of the LGBTQ+ community. This leads me to believe you're not entirely convinced in the cause nor willing to learn. Also, the unnecessary "..." indicates your question doesn't stem from innocence, but rather a mocking rhetoric towards those of an opposite viewpoint. As for the complaint on the many "plusses", there's only one collective plus represen…  Read more


As much of a Grammar Nazi as I am (hail Oxford) this partially constitutes an ad hominem attack.

Your logical fallacy is ad hominem

That is not a valid argumentative tactic. Try again.

 @9HZ8L7C  from Colorado disagreed…5mos5MO

If we're just going to correct spelling and grammar, there's some stuff I would like to mention:

  1. You're in the middle of a word, as well as a sentence, so a new paragraph isn't needed ("one collective plus representing all").
  2. It would actually be led or leads, rather than lead ("this question lead me to believe you gave").
  3. Etc. actually has a period right after it because it is an abbreviation. ("bisexual, omni, etc")

And as for the argument itself, if these individuals that are struggling because of the "issue of poor mental health,"the…  Read more


Actually, they do not. The LGB group and the TQ+ are actually having a major schism right now. The concept of LGB relies entirely on a gender binary existing. That is, what is "gay" if any of the two biological sexes are both considered men? The erasure is unintentional, certainly, but the two groups don't really have much to do with each other. And honestly, yes, the pluses are out of hand at this point. The disorder is promoted because the population is loud, and will try to silence dissenters. Like Jordan B. Peterson. I don't think they're wrong on some things, and…  Read more


i think that it is just a phase and if they are under the age of 18 then they should not be able to change their gender. They just need to be saved from God.

 @9GKVKNBIndependent from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

The LGBTQ+ community does not all suffer from gender dysphoria because not everyone in the community is transgender. There are gay people who do not suffer from gender dysphoria because they are their assigned gender at birth, they simply like people of the same gender. There are asexuals, aromatics, demisexuals, and demiromantics who do not suffer from gender dysphoria because they are not trans, they just have less sexual or romantic desires than the average person. Either way, gender dysphoria can make kids want to kill themselves, so if the options are this child dying or them getting gen…  Read more

 @9GL49TK  from California agreed…7mos7MO

yes this is extremely valid and should be treated as a mental illness. allowing those men and women to say they are something different can prove to be detrimental to their own health. letting them cut off their own body parts and glue new ones on in some cases is evil. looking at it like someone from a different country in the world makes it look like man science or voodoo evil.

 @9GL29CH  from Minnesota disagreed…7mos7MO

Gender Dysphoria is not a Tans exclusive mental disorder. Not all who are Trans have Gender Dysphoria. Gender Dysphoria can happen for those not in the LGBTQ community as well.

 @9GKZFT4 from New Mexico agreed…7mos7MO

The LGBTQ community continues to add more and more letters to their name, with the meanings behind each letter constantly changing, because the LGBTQ community is incapable of retaining a consistent understanding of their own bodies, let alone what their acronym stands for. As such, the community was originally created with great ideas in mind, but has evolved into an utter joke of inconsistency and promotion of gender dysphoria more than anything else. The LGB and Q basically no longer exist for the community, as their main focus is on the T these days, and wanting to see men play against women in sports and in locker rooms.

 @9GLSV6T from Washington agreed…7mos7MO

Yes, it is a disorder. It seems to have become more of a trend than anything. Many fakers online have blown up

 @9GMFGJG from Pennsylvania agreed…7mos7MO

i agree, our country is just full of mentally ill people, and we are supporting that instead of fixing it...


At the end of the day you are not promoting a mental disorder you are saving a person in most cases a child from a life time of suffering and suicidal ideation.


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