Try the political quiz

9 Replies

 @MindfulS0c1alSecur1tyRepublicanfrom New Jersey commented…10mos10MO

So it sounds like the headline is misleading on purpose? You just need to remove this 1 question you've asked for 30 yrs? That could be concerning but that's not the same as saying they banned AP psychology.

 @S0cialJustic3CurLibertarian from Iowa agreed…10mos10MO

They banned the teaching of gender ideology. Remove that and everything good. So misleading to say AP psychology is banned

 @SheepChloeGreenfrom California disagreed…10mos10MO

I hope people know this is how a country collapses before dictatorship. Everyone fell for propaganda and now major consequences will ensue. Stay tuned.

 @S0cialJustic3CurLibertarian from Iowa commented…10mos10MO

People on both sides of the topic say this lol

 @SheepChloeGreenfrom California commented…10mos10MO

One side is banning education and books, and one isn’t. What do you think the nazis did?

 @G3rrymanderHannahGreen from Alabama disagreed…10mos10MO

While not explicitly banning AP Psychology, any psychology course that cannot cover essentials of psychology like sexuality can only be described as sorta psychology and certainly doesn’t meet standards of AP when other states allow for teaching sexuality.

 @PieEmilyLibertarianfrom Utah commented…10mos10MO

so obviously a great thing. no one should waste ap credit on such a bogus exam

 @ResolutePepperRepublican from Texas agreed…10mos10MO

Clearly the college board members need some education if they think AP Psychology is un-teachable without gender orientation. I’d say the curriculum could use some attention from some real experts in the field

 @UncommonBi11R1ghtsGreen from Colorado disagreed…10mos10MO

As a therapist this must be appealed. Working with adolescents & realizing how much misinformation these young adults receive regarding sexuality in general, far less about LGBTQ+ struggles makes Florida’s reaction all the more egregious. Florida, step into the 21st century.

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