Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @9B9WG7D from Utah disagreed…1yr1Y

because it fundamentally relies on the use of another person's body,

Have you seen babies? Heck, there are college kids that can't do anything without support for the resources from their parents or other people's body. Welfare queens relies on working people's body. Cerebral palsy depend on it as well. They are open to be terminated? Just a clump of cells after all?

You don't have the right to kill someone just because they depend on you.

And Siamese twins don't have that right all the time. They don't get to kill the other just because they want to revoke consent.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…1yr1Y

You do understand that I used "the use of another person's body" literally, right? Not dependent on "financial support" or "a person's labor", but the literal use of another person's physical body, without their consent. A fetus is literally connected to the mother's body, and using it to keep itself alive...that's why the discussion is about bodily autonomy, and not welfare, because this is about the literal use of your body. NONE of your metaphorical examples apply to this, nor do they have anything to do with bodily autonomy (granted,…  Read more

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