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255 Replies

 @Jordan-Souza  from North Carolina agreed…8mos8MO

Top Agreement

Every citizen has the right to LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We should be allowed to protect our lives at any cost.

 @ewskivNatural Law  from North Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

From my point of view the right to protect one's life is important, there is a need for responsible regulation and the consideration of public safety to prevent gun violence and protect the lives all all citizens. The debate over gun control is often about striking a balance between individual rights and societal well-being.

 @Jordan-Souza  from North Carolina commented…7mos7MO

I guess so. I am undereducated on the dull picture, but bare with me because I am only twelve years of age.

 @9GZXDYR from California commented…7mos7MO

Every citizen in this country has the birthright to own weapons, whether for sport, practice, hunting, or to defend themselves, their family, friends, property, or livelihood from attackers, weather that be a street criminal, or from a power they are holding accountable or civil unrest, we should be allowed to protect our lives at any cost and with whatever weapon we so choose, and the regulation and restriction of that freedom, from acquisition to use, should not exist in any manner, as when the government controls the weapons we have to a point that we do not have the same weapons as the…  Read more

 @9GLB3CB from North Dakota disagreed…8mos8MO

every citizen has the right to protect their lives, allow the way people get guns should be hard so dangerous people cant get them easily

 @9GV6NL4Democrat from Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

There should be way more restrictions on purchasing or owning a gun because gun violence has been an extreme danger to the nation due to the lack of restriction.

 @9GV73NW from California agreed…7mos7MO

I agree because guns are dangerous and shouldn't be highly available especially in a country with all this technology and all.

 @9GVYRTDfrom Maine disagreed…7mos7MO

In my view, the call for increased restrictions on gun ownership overlooks the fundamental principles of individual rights and self-defense. I firmly believe that citizens have an inherent right to protect themselves and their families, and imposing more stringent regulations on gun ownership may compromise this essential aspect of personal security.

I argue that responsible gun owners should not bear the brunt of increased restrictions. Instead, the focus should shift towards addressing the root causes of violence, such as mental health issues and societal factors. By concentrating on educati…  Read more

 @Sharar from Montana disagreed…6mos6MO

Top Disagreement

The subjective nature of self-defense claims under "stand your ground" laws can lead to ambiguity and misinterpretation. Determining whether a person genuinely felt threatened enough to use deadly force can be highly subjective and difficult to assess, potentially leading to inconsistent legal outcomes.

 @9HG3KJG from Michigan agreed…6mos6MO

I agree that Gun control should be more strict because there are too many instances of mass shootings recently.

 @9H4FJBKLibertarian  from Florida agreed…7mos7MO

Gun control inherently is a form of punishment to law abiding citizens. Mass extinction have been proven to be effective in cases where nations disarm their citizens, allowing Tyrannical governments to emerge. Furthermore, stand your ground laws have been proven to work; individuals that have been attacked are required to stand firm with a reasonable defense strategy, and national enforcement of a stand your ground law would be a better option for lowering death rates for law abiding citizens from criminals.

 @9H4GXFX from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

Some of the key reasons are detailed below. Criminals, by definition, do not obey the law. Gun control laws only affect law-abiding people who go through legal avenues to obtain firearms. Criminals overwhelmingly obtain their firearms through illegal channels and will never be deterred by state and federal laws.

 @9H4GVPJfrom Guam disagreed…7mos7MO

The United States already is a tyrannical argument. Capitalism reigns supreme, and the US government just loves to back coups and fight wars across the world to fight against people that threaten it or some rich persons capital. It's **** ing awful and imperialistic. You also fail to consider that most if not all politically stable nations around the world have tight gun control laws. Australia, Europe and more are proven to be very stable and have tight gun control. The United States government is already tyrannical, and its their own fault for getting there. Because of the unfortunate circumstances the US finds itself in, in the context of it it has become nessesary for individuals to carry guns! I think that's sad. It should never come to that.

 @9GSDN8P from Minnesota disagreed…7mos7MO

If we give just anybody a gun without asking anything they could kill themselves kill a bunch of kids in a school they could hurt a lot of people if we don't take gun control seriously

 @9GZ5WMGProgressive  from Iowa disagreed…7mos7MO

it is always good to stand your ground in times of an attack. But these attacks happen for a reason. Mostly because an out-of-control person was able to get a hold of an automatic weapon. Which gave them the ability to attack with this much force.

 @9GZLS4ZDemocrat from West Virginia agreed…7mos7MO

I agree, gun control should be promoted because the possession of military firearms encourages violence.


There should be way more restrictions on purchasing or owning a gun because gun violence has been an extreme danger to the nation due to the lack of restriction.

 @9GLYJLT from Washington disagreed…8mos8MO

By allowing guns to be more accessible to those unqualified, and or those who could be suspected to be harmful individuals would lead to the increased violence. Putting out further restrictions will help us identify those dangerous individuals better, while also placing more responsibility on something as powerful as a gun. Then when it comes to a "stand your ground" law, such laws encourage certain people to find loopholes where they can say they feel intimidated by something stupid. Passing such a law would only be viable if a more clear variable was present, rather than just feeling as if your life is in danger, as everyone can interpret it differently.

 @9GTPX5Q from Arizona disagreed…7mos7MO

The government really needs to do something besides simply stating that they plan on doing something about it, and there's a big difference between planning and doing.

 @9HFW3BL from Texas disagreed…6mos6MO

While it is important to defend yourself, it might not always be the wisest idea. If we have too many people with guns able to defend themselves, there will be an increased risk of death and violence.

 @9HG2Y57 from Florida commented…6mos6MO

 @9H3CGGY from Oklahoma disagreed…7mos7MO

There should be way more restrictions on purchasing or owning a gun because gun violence has been an extreme danger to the nation due to the lack of restriction.

 @9H3CTX5 from Connecticut agreed…7mos7MO

I think there should be more restrictions on purchasing or having a gun in your possesion because the number of school shootings that have been done in the USA this year is very very very very bad.

 @9H4YQQL from Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

Owning a gun should have much more restrictions because everybody purchasing guns have purposes for the guns, and everyone has the ability to lie. There should be a psychological evaluation and a background check before somebody is able to purchase a gun.

 @9H4Z8DD from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

You are already required to get 90% of these solutions, like background checks, before you can buy a gun. Even with these background check system nothing has improve yet, so increasing them wouldn't do anything but increase the issues we already face. Allow more people to own firearms allows criminals know they have a good risk of facing counterfire before they commit any crime.

 @9GY9F9B from Arkansas disagreed…7mos7MO

The government should attempt to restrict gun laws, because of our large amount of gun related deaths. If you look at other countries, such as Japan who has outlawed citizens carrying their own guns, they had only 9 deaths compared to America which had 39,707. Both statistics came from 2019.

 @9GY9TLP from Arkansas agreed…7mos7MO

Yes i agree with the statement above because of the number of school shooting percentages in the united states.

 @9GRHYVC from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

Restrictions are necessary to prevent guns from falling into the wrong hands. Even if the person claims to have a gun for "defense," there are other methods they could use.

 @9HFBYDK  from Ohio disagreed…6mos6MO

If the government went and passed a law on allowing people to "stand their ground" some people might have a gun on them and just decide to shoot someone they don't like and claim it was "self defense" although they just wanted to get rid of that person because they don't like them.

 @9HFPLFSRepublican from Louisiana agreed…6mos6MO

I think we should be allowed to have guns but no military guns no one should need an AK-47 for shooting or something if your good at hunting you shouldn't need a good gun.

 @9FL6V23Democrat from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

guns shouldn't be to always look to for self defense i think at least a weak pistol is enough for self defense and its not like people are going to break into your house every day.

 @9H7Q95F from Georgia disagreed…7mos7MO

I don’t think we should do away with guns all together but I believe more strict regulation and gun control would make it safer for people.

 @9GN36NW from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

There needs to be restrictions on purchasing a firearm and quite extensive background check and physiological analysis included in the purchasing process while not making it impossible to obtain a firearm.

 @9GY78HV from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

We should be able to bear arms but a reasonable ammount such as a pistol, nobody needs like 10 guns including full auto rifles because that's just unnecessary.

 @9GQY95XIndependent from Nevada disagreed…7mos7MO

I believe everyone has a right to own a gun for protection reasoning,however there should be more background evidence,and a waiting period,no one needs a gun the second they are able to get one.

 @9H5G4KTPeace and Freedom from Wisconsin disagreed…7mos7MO

gun control should be taken more seriously, just giving anyone a gun is giving them access to putting others in danger including kids, your possibly grandma and etc

 @9H39TCJ from Utah disagreed…7mos7MO

Too many shootings are happening by people who shouldn't own guns. There needs to be better restrictions,

 @9GXZM9QPeace and Freedom from Colorado disagreed…7mos7MO

The government needs to understand how many people die with gun violence. We need to stop this before we keep it going.

 @97Z4H4N  from Florida commented…2yrs2Y

This is very important because if someone breaks into your house, your going to want to be able to defend yourself. The government removing self defense is the same as murder.

 @9963BKTSocialist from Virginia commented…1yr1Y

I'm all for owning a gun, but is being able to own a weapon strong enough to mow down entire crowds really necessary? I mean at the very most you should have a pistol and a hunting rifle, that is literally all you could ever need!

 @9B3G9B6 from Texas disagreed…1yr1Y

The firearm in question i assume is an AR15, and the reason it is needed is because we (as responsible citizens) should be properly equipped and trained to be effective in guerrilla warfare and the AR15 is a great firearm for this. We need to become the minutemen our forefathers were, to be ready to defend those we love and our way of life at a minutes notice.

 @9BYHRVG from Washington agreed…1yr1Y

  @DanielKolbin1105Independent from Indiana commented…1yr1Y

The easier it is to get a gun, the easier it is for incompetent people or criminals to become more dangerous.

 @9H3CRZ6 from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

They should change it to where there are more strict background checks and people need to take a test on the knowledge of that weapon.

 @9HDW2DR from North Carolina disagreed…6mos6MO

More gun control leads to fewer suicides, stand your ground” laws have no effect on the rate of firearm-related homicide.

 @9GV9SRL from Illinois disagreed…7mos7MO

There should be way more restrictions on purchasing or owning a gun because gun violence has been an extreme danger to the nation due to the lack of restriction.

 @9GYWLT8Socialist from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

Guns have caused the safety of our schools and children to be at major risk. There should definitely be more restrictions on gun laws and gin possession because of the safety is most important

 @9GYHKVYPeace and Freedom from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

Either way, someone gets hurt, the gun was placed in the wrong hands in the first place and now others want to possess a weapon for protection. There are other means of protection like mace, or even household items, but a gun has no eyes.

 @9FLXWJB from Arizona disagreed…9mos9MO

The goverment should not pass the "stand your ground" law as many people can find many loopholes. One being that they don't like someone and claim their being "threatening" and then bamm, that person is dead.


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